Matt Taylor

Belmont Select Board


Matt Taylor

for Belmont Select Board

Matt is a numbers guy who listens.

I’m running for the open seat on the Select Board because I love Belmont. I serve our community as an informed Town Meeting and Warrant Committee member, and by giving Belmont residents insights using economic, property, and municipal data. Combined with my startup leadership and data science background, I bring the precise skill set we need to navigate the changes facing our town. Together, we will make Belmont a modernizing town that also keeps all the best parts of what we love about our community: great schools and services for residents, yet more affordable, safer for walking, with planned capital investments, and ultimately, a reduced tax burden on residents. Learn more about me.

Your Perspective Matters

Get involved and Make a Difference

Matt Taylor: Yard Sign - Your Perspective Matters

My Core Values

  1. Be open minded in how we accomplish our most important goals.
  2. Serve the whole community (seniors, vulnerable populations, and all residents, employees, volunteers and stakeholders).
  3. Act with necessary urgency and deep understanding on our biggest, more important opportunities and challenges.
  4. Protect people. Access and safety are human rights.
  5. Heal divisions within our community and assume good faith.
  6. Focus on the present and future using lessons from good examples, past experience, and each other.

My Vision and Priorities

Our Select Board is more than the financial compass of our town. I have a lot of ideas and a deep understanding of many aspects of how our town operates! I know the power of having a big, important goal and a deadline: it focuses our work, unifies our efforts, and prioritizes our time.

  1. Goal-oriented progress toward a 10% commercial tax base in 10 years and senior tax relief.
  2. Invest in core services and operational efficiency.
  3. Focus on what makes Belmont extraordinary: our schools, local services, and community.

Years ago, I started to make our local government more visible and accessible to every-day residents. I am passionate about bringing our community together, building upon data-driven ideas, and making Belmont the best it can be. I listen earnestly because I am deeply committed to representing all residents for the betterment of Belmont.

I am the parent of two BPS children (Burbank and Chenery) and we settled in Belmont in 2014. In addition to my independent work, I serve on the Warrant (finance) Committee and Town Meeting.

I commit to you

  • I will champion goal-oriented action.
  • I will stand for visible, positive, long-term change.
  • I will keep an active dialogue with all our residents.

Thank you Belmont for your support!